Title: Virtual Team Building and Management
Duration: 2 hours
Price: Free
When working with a virtual team, you experience the normal issues of a localized team, with the additional challenges of distance and cultural differences. Virtual Team Building & Management will give participants the knowledge to work with these challenges and succeed in a growing global workforce.
In this webinar you will learn:
- The keys to establishing a virtual team
- How to hold effective meetings and group sessions
- Effective ways to communicate with team members
- Tools to build trust and confidence among employees
- How to handle poor performing employees
About the Speaker:
Berthine’s Headshot
Berthine Crèvecoeur West believes the power of knowledge is transformational. She founded Westbridge Solutions on the core competencies of planning and organization, cultural awareness, and collaborative working. Clients of Westbridge would agree that being a catalyst in these competencies enabled their organizations to deliver outstanding service.
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