Advanced Business Strategies for
Women Leaders

She Means Business™: Advanced Business Strategies for Women Leaders


Enhanced Strategic Skills

Participants will gain insights into advanced strategies for the business landscape. Key topics include navigating change, data-driven decision-making, and balancing goals. This will enhance attendees’ strategic thinking and agility in business scenarios.


Networking Opportunities with Like-Minded Professionals

The workshop offers a platform for women leaders to network, exchange experiences, and form valuable connections across various industries, expanding their professional networks and opening new opportunities.


Personal and Professional Growth

This workshop offers both personal and professional growth, addressing key leadership challenges like data analysis, conflict resolution, and risk management, thereby boosting attendees’ business skills, confidence, and leadership capabilities.

Welcome to She Means Business™

This is a unique workshop tailored for women entrepreneurs and small business owners in 2024.

Here, we bring together visionary thinking, practical strategies, and a community of like-minded professionals to empower your leadership and business acumen.


Planning a Group Event?

About the Workshop

Why Attend She Means Business™?

This 5-hour workshop offers more than just a learning experience; it provides the opportunity to develop your business development strategy blueprint and empower your path to success. By crafting your strategy in real-time, we ensure you are prepared to take immediate, actionable steps toward building the business you’ve always envisioned.
Your Investment: $3,000

Upcoming workshops (9AM-2PM, Eastern):

Atlanta, GA – October 5 ,2024
Clearwater, FL – October 12, 2024
Washington, D.C. – October 19,2024
Houston, TX – November 9, 2024

Learn from the best!

A seasoned professional, leader in her field, and a passionate advocate for women's leadership, who brings real-world insights and actionable strategies.


Berthine Crèvecoeur West MA, EMBA, CDE®

Chief Executive Officer / Head of Business Development & Strategy, Westbridge Solutions

As a trailblazing force in the world of business strategy and executive consulting, Berthine Crèvecoeur West has emerged as a beacon of excellence and innovation. With a diverse skill set and a passion for fostering inclusive environments, Berthine is a Certified Diversity Executive (CDE)® who brings over two decades of experience to the table.

Berthine Crèvecoeur West’s remarkable journey as a business strategist and executive consultant is rooted in her data-driven approach to crafting successful business strategies, conducting comprehensive assessments, and performing insightful analyses. With an innate ability to drive innovation and a commitment to healthy progression, Berthine empowers organizations to thrive in the ever-changing landscape, making her a visionary leader with a keen eye for transformational opportunities.

As the CEO and Head of Business Development and Operations, Berthine’s impactful contributions lie in helping businesses unlock the true value of diversity. Her impressive track record includes creating innovative diversity programs and fostering strong employee development, resulting in inclusive workspaces where creativity and collaboration flourish. Leveraging data-driven insights, she crafts DEI and employee engagement strategies that align with organizational goals, ensuring sustainable growth and success.

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Ready to transform your entrepreneurship journey?

Join us at She Means Business™

Register now to be part of the WAITING LIST!
Sign up for a transformative experience at “She Means Business”, where women leaders master advanced business strategies and elevate their careers.

Upcoming She Means Business™ Workshops

Ready to elevate your leadership skills? Join us at one of our upcoming workshops across the U.S.!

Ready to elevate your leadership skills?
Join us at one of our upcoming workshops across the U.S.!

Select your location below to register:

Each event is designed to empower women leaders with advanced business strategies.

Each event is designed to empower women leaders
with advanced business strategies.

Sign up for the workshop in your state or the location you prefer!